Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Bloodchild was an interesting read and one I wholeheartedly enjoyed! There was a nice level of unsettling lore building and gore, coupled with cool aliens. I gave me huge Bloodborne vibes, which is always a good thing, especially with how the aliens were described. There were a few moments I felt a bit of nausea, specifically when T’Gato was cutting Lomas up and it was describing how the grubs formed and fed….. which was probably my least favorite part of the story, given that’s my general fear and revulsion in regards to actual human pregnancies…… this and Xenomorphs are why I am never having children. 
But as a whole I found myself really intrigued by the aliens and their culture, as well as the nature of their relationships with humans and how due to the difference in species their relationships are changed.  Given that the Tlic live much much longer than humans it’s not surprising that the very standard of their relationships changes, what with the mother of our main character being T’Gato’s childhood friend, and her daughter being a surrogate mother to her children. Specifically, after helping raise her from birth. And while I feel like there was a tension between them it didn’t feel as taboo, given the world building that was explored in the beginning of the story. 
I would probably adapt this story into a 2d animated short film, preferably made by the same people who animated the castlevania series. The style from that show I felt would help portray this story, given their lack of fear of showing the gore and viscera that showed up in this as well as being able to portray the aliens well. Changes that I would make to this mostly fill into the cinematography of it cause the story itself I feel doesn’t need to be changed much. Its something that anyone could feel connected to even if they don’t want too.

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