Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Anasi Boys

Anasi Boys was a really cool and crazy story to read, and I enjoyed how it followed along with the general story of Anasi tricking and making deals. ill be honest, while I read this I never had any real idea as to what was going to happen next. it kept me on the edge of my seat, especially with how all the stories interwove with each other. When Rose called off the wedding I thought that was going to be the end of her and her mothers part in the story, and in most other stories it probably would have been. and the subplot with Maeve was interesting and satisfying in its own right, and when Tiger possessed Coats I laughed for like five minutes because of how everything was set up. that was when I realized just what would happen and I was greatly pleased by it. I think my favorite part was how Spider and Charlie didn't merge back into one person even though that's what they were originally. I feel like if that had happened it would have undercut the story and made it less satisfying.

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